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Reflective Perspectives

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143 is the third piece in Reflective Perspectives. Friendship, as we all know, is truly hard to find. 143, is dedicated to the fierce woman depicted in this piece, Paige. My perspective of friendship has changed a bit since my first diagnosis. Every person takes news like the kind I’ve had to deliver differently. Paige is the kind of person that wants to make things easy, a people pleaser. Her and I have connected a lot through our identity of being Asian American and the expected role we’ve had to fill in society. Reflecting back on our conversations reminds me of how important it is to be a feminist and to be supportive of women, especially women who are still finding their voice. Paige is Hmong. Her people are nomadic with no specific occupied land in our current state of observed territories. She used to stay with me while she was in town, the town where she also lived but had no specific home. She stayed in hotels, with her partner, with other friends or with me. She’s an exciting and spontaneous friend to have because she was always on the move, ready for the next adventure. She’s the kind of person that slept all day and lived her life at night. I asked her once if she could ever see herself making a life and a business of her own, basically if she could ever see herself as a normie. She looked at me rather confused and opened up to me about her philosophy on life and why she is the way she is. She told me that she doesn’t like to sleep at night because in her culture, women are kidnapped in their sleep by their future husband and this is a normal practice in Hong culture. This is the story of her parent’s coming together along with everyone else in her family. In the composition of 143, I created segments or compartments of color. In Asian American culture, we compartmentalize what we were raised to think and act to make sense of the realities of living in contemporary American culture. The misogyny that we were raised in still influences decisions we make, like Paige, making her life at night so she doesn’t have to face whatever traumatic thoughts arise for her when the rest of us sleep. In the bottom half of the composition, a sun sets and Paige gives us a kiss while she gets ready to rule the night. The title of this piece may be obvious to some. 143 is pager code for I love you. Upon reflection, us women have our reasons. If you’re reading this, you are a feminist. Thank you.
Reflective Perspectives
Mazey Moon
Digital Painting
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