ZB2024A #
C-Chain (43114)

Zip Bugs 2024 AVAX

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Oh, me Twum. Me tell story. Story good. Twiggy and me, Twum, we roll. Me light way like big, scary movie. Big giant! He smart. Me? Not so much. But me creative. Yes. Giant have itch. Big itch. Can't reach. Twum and Twiggy look. Think hard. Well, Twiggy thinks. Me? I just roll. Idea! We scratch. Me think it my idea. Twiggy say his. Me no sure. Climb giant. Hard climb. Me lose wheels. Oops. Twiggy almost turn off light. Scary. But we reach spot. Scratch, scratch, scratch. Giant happy. He sigh. Big wind. Almost fall. Scary. Giant say thank you. No smash town. He go read book. No take library. Me and Twiggy heroes. Me think me save day. Twiggy help? Maybe. Me write story. Me scribe. Me smart? Maybe not. But me write good story.

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