ZB2024A #
C-Chain (43114)

Zip Bugs 2024 AVAX

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"Twum story! Good story. Me, Twum. And Twiggy. We go zap! Now in blocky world. Like old game. Me happy! Twiggy thinky. Place strange. Trees square. Water flat. Me fit right in. Twiggy not so much. He say, 'We find way home.' Me say, 'Ooh, look! Shiny!' Years go fast here. Like, zoom! One minute, now. Next minute, later. Me bump, fall, find secrets. Accidents? Maybe. Smart? Maybe not. Fun? Yes! Big problem come. Memory glitch. Name GlitchGrim. Bad glitch. Make world go brrrr. Me not scared. Me have Twiggy. He smart... sometimes. Me and Twiggy, we hero now. Fight dragons. Save pixel princess. Me like princess. She square, but nice. Then, big moment. Me remember old cheat code. Very old. I still remember. Me push buttons with thumb. Up, up, down, down.. I know rest. Twiggy ask, 'How we get out, Twum?' Me try tell. 'Me push this, this, then this!' Me show rest on fingers... Me point left. Me point right. Me point left again! Me point right again! Me flap hands for B.. A.. Me smack head for Start. Twiggy look confused. Me just smile. Game Glitch. No handle 30 lives! We back! Real world! See stars. Twiggy say, 'Twum, we home?' Me say, 'Yes. Twum home. Twiggy home. All home.' That how me, Twum, and Twiggy. Wwe beat blocky world. Me remember cheat code. Me hero? Maybe. Twiggy think accident. Maybe not.

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