ZB2024A #
C-Chain (43114)

Zip Bugs 2024 AVAX

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Caretaker Beacon has been the silent guardian of the SS Lumina, a spaceship that once represented the pinnacle of intergalactic exploration. The SS Lumina, with its vibrant hull painted in the bright hues of distant nebulas, now carries the patina of age—its colors dulled by the sands of time, yet still afloat in the cosmic ocean. For two centuries, Beacon has floated through the corridors and chambers of this vessel, a solitary figure amidst the echoes of laughter and discourse that once filled the air. The spaceship, designed for journeys beyond the fringes of known space, had been home to a diverse crew of scientists, adventurers, and dreamers. Now, it houses only memories and Beacon, the steadfast custodian of both the ship and its legacy. The crew, long since returned to the dust of stars from which they came, entrusted Beacon with the care of the SS Lumina. Their mission of discovery and understanding had come to an end, but they believed in leaving the ship as a beacon of their existence and achievements—a floating time capsule adrift in the void. Beacon's duties are manifold. It maintains the environmental systems, ensuring that the air remains breathable and the temperature regulated, just in case new explorers stumble upon the vessel. It tends to the onboard garden, a lush oasis of green in the cold expanse, where plants from countless worlds thrive under its attentive gaze. It also archives the crew's findings, their research, and personal logs, safeguarding the knowledge and stories gathered over decades of exploration. As it hovers in front of the yellow door leading to the bridge, the translucent window behind it hiding the tapestry of stars and galaxies beyond, Beacon embodies the enduring spirit of the SS Lumina. Though its body is small and its design simple, its role is monumental. Caretaker Beacon is a keeper of a legacy, ensuring that the dreams and discoveries of its crew continue to inspire those who might one day cross its path.

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